Consent Form

Project: Learning Interpretable Strategies for the 2048 Videogame

Purpose of the research

This research aims to use AI methods to produce strategies people can understand. Participation will help understand how well the strategies can be understood/followed by people.

Nature of participation

Participation in the research is voluntary and you will not be required to provide any personal data. We will collect an anonymous record of the games of 2048 that you play during the study.

Participants tasks

You will be asked to play the game of 2048 and follow a strategy found using AI methods. We will collect a record of the games you play during the study. This data will not contain any information that can identify you.

Benefits and risks of the research

Your participation will help us understand how well you can follow the strategies. There is no risk in participating in the study.

Use of your data

The data will be used in a project report and other sources of information about the project. It may also be published to support future research. The data collected will be anonymous, no information that can identify you will be collected.

Future use of your data

The data we collect may be archived and reused in future for purposes that are in the public interest, or for historical, scientific or statistical purposes. This will allow others to view the raw data themselves and be able to verify conclusions made in the project or derive new conclusions. The data may be stored on a cloud provider or a researcher's computer and made available online.

Procedure to withdraw from the research

You may withdraw from the study at any time before or during participation and do not have to give reasons for why you no longer want to take part. Once submitted, the records of the games you produce cannot be withdrawn due to the data being anonymous. To withdraw close the webpage and no further data will be collected.

Contact details of the ethics committee

If you wish to file a complaint or exercise you rights you can contact the Ethics Committe at the following address: